10th Annual Blacksmith Art & Music Festival

10th Annual Blacksmith Art & Music Festival Saturday, September 28th, 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Experience the ancient art of blacksmithing! Family art activities, music, arts & crafts, vendors, food and more.


Today we attended the 10th Annual Blacksmith Art & Music Festival at Riverfront Park in downtown Fitchburg, Massachusetts...and it was such a great time I HAD to write a post about it!

We got there early to set up our RusticCraft tables and tent...so we got to see all the blacksmith equipment being unloaded and set-up---heavy stuff! The Junior ROTC was there for the day being INCREDIBLY helpful--unloading our vehicle and all our supplies/ tables/ tent---and even setting them up for us---A+ Gals and Guys.

The Blacksmithing started by heating up all their coals in the early morning....SMOKE everywhere! I had a hankering for s'mores kinda immensely.

There was live music...many huge art murals by Revival Gallery in Fitchburg...there were many Arts and Crafts vendors....A fancy Rolls Royce...A hydroponic garden setup and solar panel setup...felted wool soaps and natural dyed yarns, handcrafted natural soaps, many options for jewelry, hand blended spice combinations, hand felted wool ladies purses...natural honey....chair massage....even handcrafted wood wands!

We visited all the food vendors....YUM.Chaibo from Fitchburg has some AMAZING Gelato.....Pizza from Zedas...and a really amazing Steak Insanewich from SuperFans. MMM

The Live Forge-In Blacksmithing competition seemed fierce....and like a close race from afar.....they made some amazing stuff during the day! Doors Handles, Candle Holders, Toilet Paper Holders.....and in really different designs. There were also all kinds of cool stuff they must have made in previous years available.

We appreciate so much having the opportunity to be a part of this awesome tradition! Can't wait til next year! =)

Check out our pics of the event below! Click on the pics to enlarge.



Fitchburg Art Museum: http://www.fitchburgartmuseum.org/BAMF.php

Achla Designs: http://www.achla.com/

Fitchburg Cultural Council: http://www.mass-culture.org/Fitchburg

Central Massachusetts Art & Agriculture Coalition: http://www.fitchburgfarmersmarket.com/


Vendors and Exhibitors... that I could find links to =)

RusticCraft Designs: http://rusticcraftdesigns.com/

Revival Gallery, 713 Main Street, Fitchburg MA: https://www.facebook.com/RevivalGallery

Atlantic Green Energy: http://atlanticge.com/

Gerry Martel Automotive Art: http://collectorcarappraiser.com/

NuBodi Massage: http://www.christopherbenoit.com/

Rollstone Studios: http://rollstoneartists.com/

Soapy Green: http://www.soapygreen.com/

Chaibo: http://chaibo.com/

SuperFans Deli: http://superfansdeli.com/

Zedas Pizza: http://www.zedaspizza.net/

Fitchburg Farmer's Market at the Fitchburg Art Museum

This evening was our first appearance at the Fitchburg Farmer's Market, held the First Thursday of every month (Jan-June) at the Fitchburg Art Museum. 11649495-new-fam-logo-lower-res

We got to set up our table in a room filled with ancient roman art, earthenware, marble statues and reliefs. We felt not only fortunate to be invited to attend as a vendor to this awesome event, but so fortunate just to have this amazingly incredibly scenery to set up around!


Since we were there selling our wares...i didn't have a ton of time to walk about...but i did manage to take a walk when the market was near it's end and snapped some photos of the other vendors!





Here's us ...well...our table and nick's lower half anyways =).....live and in person. We set up our elevated pet feeders along the front of the table...had some Valentine's day theme magnets, tealight candle holders, and chalkboards set up.....but our most popular items were by far the cutting boards and cutting board waxes.







Our neighbor table was Fresh Certified Organic Produce grown in the greenhouses at Charlie's Red House Farm in Winchendon, MA. They had some organic, free range chicken and duck eggs....I should have acted quicker though because they sold out before the end of the evening! I did manage to snag some nice looking red variety of Kale...my juicer will love the change from the grocery store Kale.




Adjacent to the Farm table was a couple selling all sorts of crochet items...little animal shaped pieces, hats, fingerless gloves, and clothing....pretty nice looking unique items!


I love the setup of their shelving unit! Makes me want to stop and look up and down at everything...instead of quickly skimming and walking by... =)





Here's another miss....this table was set up with this amazing looking bread----and he completely sold out before the end of IMG_3145-2the evening! look at the barren table! Why did i wait?!! =)

...I did manage to snag a couple boxes of girl scout cookies (sorry no picture!)...trefoils and thin mints....classic!






Here's a view of the main section of the museum housing the farmer's market---had an awesome guitarist....food vendors, farm vendors, and the Johnny Appleseed Visitors Center table which has a plethora of random goodies!






Jewelry vendor up the stairs on the second floor of the museum.






Nature Photography prints on the second floor.







The Fitchburg Farmer's Market is held the first Thursday of every month (Jan-June) from 4pm-7pm at the Fitchburg Art Museum, 25 Merriam Pkwy  Fitchburg, MA 01420

For more information, visit www.fitchburgfarmersmarket.com.

More Links:
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Winter Farmers Market returns to Fitchburg Art Museum   (An article in the Telegram and Gazette)